Elizabeth Hickox |

$39.95 + S&H
A book about Elizabeth Louise Hickox
and her daughter Louise Hickox.
This Book was published in 1997, by The University Of Arizona Press. |
Picture From the Clarke Memorial Museum book:
"The Hover Collection of Karuk Baskets"
The Artwork of Elizabeth Hickox
can be found in the following online
Museums and Art Galleries:
Lidded Trinket Basket
trinket basket
Peabody, Harvard
Lidded Gift
Humboldt University site
Ceremonial Cap,
Humboldt University site
Ceremonial Cap,
Humboldt University site
- Lidded
Gift Basket, Elizabeth Conrad Hickox, 1909-10 Clarke Museum, Eureka
- Lidded
Gift Basket, Elizabeth Conrad Hickox, c. 1916 L. A. Cty Mus of Natural
- Same
as above showing basket bottom interior
- Lidded
Gift Basket, Elizabeth Conrad Hickox, c. 1917, Private Coll.
- Lidded
Gift Basket, Elizabeth Conrad Hickox, c. 1917-25, Priv. Coll.
- Lidded
Gift Basket, Elizabeth Conrad Hickox, c. 1920, Private Coll.
- Large
Lidded Gift Basket, Elizabeth Conrad Hickox, c. 1917-25 Priv.
Humboldt University site
Elizabeth Hickox was born in Karuk territory, CA, July
26, 1875 and died in Somesbar, CA, July 19,1947. Her second
daughter, Louise Hickox was born April 29, 1896 and died Sept. 18, 1962, she
was also a well-known basket weaver.
"In 1908 Elizabeth Hickox met Grace Nicholson, the premier basketwork
dealer, who operated her business in Pasadena, CA, but who traveled through
the far west each summer to collect basketwork and ceremonial objects.
Nicholson began purchasing Hickox’s work, and by 1910–11 had acquired
exclusive rights to the weaving of both mother and daughter. Nicholson
recorded over 90 Hickox baskets in her ledger, identified by number,
dimensions and sketches. Nearly half of these are also documented in
photographs. Almost no records exist for Hickox baskets woven after 1922,
when Nicholson appears to have suspended these ledger entries, perhaps
because of her growing interest in Oriental arts. In the late 1920s
Elizabeth Hickox produced primarily miniatures, due to the disintegration of
the elite market for fine art curios. By 1934 Nicholson ceased collecting
from the Hickoxes, who then gave up weaving. The Nicholson materials, which
provide most of the information on the Hickoxes’ careers, are divided
between the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University
of California at Berkeley and the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA."
(text in quotations from The Grove Dictionary of Art)
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for a free info packet on Elizabeth Hickox

Art Museum, New Jersey
Basket with Lid, C.1895
Art Museum, New Jersey
Basket with Lid, C.1900 |

Basket, ca. 1910
California, Pomo
Vegetable fiber, feathers, quail plumes, shell
Gift of Mrs. Henry Lang in memory of her mother,
Mrs. Jasper R. Rand