Lizzie Peters
"Lizzie was born between 1865 and 1870, the daughter of Toby
and Mariah."
"While Lizzie's major artistic production coincides with the earlier
phases of Dat So La Lee's career, her baskets fall more within Washoe
tradition. Lizzie's degikup retains the small size, simple shape, and
relative coarseness of stitching, and she rarely uses redbud in the
designs. Her arrangements of broad zigzags and alternations of spaced
motifs appear to be elaborations of designs found on early cooking and
storage baskets. Lizzie's elaboration of traditional patterns
represents an alternative approach to that of her more famous contemporary,
and one which was to have an equal influence on succeeding artists." Picture
and Text From
the book: "Degikup" By Marvin Cohodas
Click Here For More Info:
Carol Van Etten : Mentions Lizzie Peters as being part of a "proud
sorority of Washoe basketmakers"

See Marvin
Cohodas's Book:
for more info on these Weavers
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