Brizard Company
791 Eighth Street Arcata CA, 95521
Phone: 707 822-2434
Fax: 707 822-4134


Brizard's Store was founded by Alexander
Brizard and was opened in 1863 on the Arcata plaza.
During the "Arts and Crafts Movement"
basket weavers found a market for their baskets, due mainly to the
belief that Indians were vanishing. Their work became more
valuable. Brizard's Store bought and sold Hupa and Klamath
Indian Baskets, Alexander Brizard also put out a catalog to sell his
baskets. The store was closed in 1974, but the Jacoby's
Storehouse (the building Brizard's Store was in) and other Brizard
interests continue to be owned and managed by his descendants. |